
The tourism industry in Iran has very high capacities for growth and expansion.



The tourism industry in Iran has very high capacities for growth and expansion. According to the report of the World Tourism Organization, Iran ranks tenth in ancient and historical attractions and fifth in natural attractions in the world.

Until the early 1960s, Iran paid little attention to tourism. The lack of travel facilities and infrastructure had made traveling in Iran very difficult. Finally, the Pahlavi dynasty began to build pavements, highways, and hotels, and the number of tourists entering the country increased steadily from the 1962s to 1979. However, the political turmoil in 1357, which led to the overthrow of the monarchy in Iran, practically destroyed the tourism industry in Iran. They say Iran. Between 1343 and 1979, tourism agreements with countries in the world and membership in the World Tourism Organization and the World Union of Official Tourism Organizations were signed by the Tourism Organization and the Ministry of Information of Iran, which made the conditions better.